Ling Chen
Chen, Ling. 2023. "Institutional Rebound: Why Reforming China’s State-Owned Enterprises Is So Difficult." Comparative Politics 56 (2): 173-195. ssrn link
Chen, Ling, and Miles Evers. 2023. “'Wars without Gun Smoke': Global Supply Chains, Power Politics, and Economic Statecraft.” International Security 48 (2): 164 - 204.
Featured in Drezner’s World by Daniel Drezner
Translated into Chinese
Chen, Ling. 2022. “Getting China’s Political Economy Right: State, Business, and Authoritarian Capitalism.” Perspectives on Politics 20(4): 1397-1402.
Top 5% attention score by Altmetric
Chen, Ling and Florian Hollenbach. 2022 "Capital Mobility and Taxation: State-Business Collusion in China." International Studies Quarterly 66 (1). (open access)
- supplementary information and replication files
Winner, 2022 American Political Science Association (APSA) Best Comparative Policy Award
Featured in CSIS "Pekingology" Podcast with Freeman Chair in China Studies
Chen, Ling and Hao Zhang. 2021. "Strategic Authoritarianism: The Political Cycles and Selectivity of China's Tax Break Policy." American Journal of Political Science 65(4):845-861. (open access)
- Supporting Information; Replication Materials
Wiley Certificate of Top Downloaded Article
Chen, Ling. 2017. “Grounded Globalization: Foreign Capital and Local Bureaucrats in China’s Economic Transformation.” World Development 98: 381-399.
The Washington Post
Chen, Ling. 2014. “Varieties of Global Capital and the Paradox of Local Upgrading in China,”
Politics & Society 42 (2): 223-252.
CNPolitics (Zhengjian)
Chen, Ling. 2010. “Playing the Market Reform Card: The Changing Patterns of Political Struggle in China’s Electric Power Sector,” The China Journal, no. 64: 69-95.
Chen, Ling. 2008. “Institutional Inertia, Adjustment, and Change: Japan as a Case of Coordinated Market Economy,” Review of International Political Economy 15 (3): 460-479.
Chen, Ling. 2008. “Preferences, Institutions and Politics: Re-Interrogating the Theoretical Lessons of Developmental Economies,” New Political Economy 13 (1): 89-102.
Works in Progress
Chen, Ling. Ambivalent Capitalism and the Authoritarian State (book project in progress)
Ling Chen, Xiuyu Li, and Kellee Tsai. Authoritarian Capitalism: Economic Pathways and Social Foundations. (under contract with Cambridge University Press, Elements Series on the Politics of Development)
Chen, Ling, Xiuyu Li, and Kellee Tsai. "Pathways to Authoritarian Capitalism." (working paper)
Chen, Ling and Qi Zhang. “The Concentration of Political and Economic Power.” (research in progress)
Chen, Ling and Ning Leng. “Interviewing Bureaucrats and Businesses,” (draft in progress)
Other Publications
Chen, Ling. 2022. "Changing State-Business Relations under the US-China Tech War." Wilson China Fellowship Paper.
Chen, Ling. 2021."State and Business Players in the Evolution of China's Industrial Development." Congressional Testimony before the US-China Economic & Security Review Commission.
Chen, Ling. 2018. "How this Trade War Could Backfire — in China’s Favor." The Washington Post, June 25 (2018)
Chen, Ling. 2018. “More Centralized Control Threatens China's Economic Model." Axios, expert voices, January 23.
Chen, Ling. 2003. “Dongya yu lamei guojia gongyehua de lujing” (The Paths of Industrialization in East Asia and Latin America). Caijing Kexue (The Journal of Finance & Economics), no.1: 255-260 (In Chinese).