Ling Chen
Manipulating Globalization: The Influence of Bureaucrats on Business in China
Online Supplementary Materials
- Choice
- Journal of East Asian Studies
-Journal of Chinese Political Science
-University of Southern California, China Institute
-Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal
-China International Strategy Review
-Hungarian translation: A globalizáció manipulálása A bürokraták befolyása Kína üzleti világára, 2019
-Ukrainian translation forthcoming: Китайське диво та глобалізація: від іноземних інвестицій до місцевих компаній-чемпіонів
Talks and Podcasts
- Talk at University of Michigan, Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies
- Talk at Brown University, Watson Institute, Rhodes Center
- Talk at University of Pennsylvania, Center for the Study of Contemporary China
- Podcast, The Rhodes Center of International Economics and Finance,"Ling Chen: New
Insights on the 'Made in China'nModel." Rhodes Center, Watson Institute, Brown University
- Podcast, ChinaEcon Talk, SupChina, "Exploring the Links Between Business and the Chinese
Related Articles:
Chen, Ling. 2017. “Grounded Globalization: Foreign Capital and Local Bureaucrats in
China’s Economic Transformation.” World Development 98: 381-399.
Chen, Ling. 2014. “Varieties of Global Capital and the Paradox of Local Upgrading in
China,” Politics & Society 42 (2): 223-252.
Articles for the Public:
-"How this Trade War Could Backfire — in China’s Favor." The Washington Post, June 25
(2018) (Link)
-“More Centralized Control Threatens China's Economic Model." Axios, expert voices, January
23 (2018). (Link)
Books in Progress
Chen, Ling. Ambivalent Capitalism and the Authoritarian State (Book Project in Progress)
Ling Chen, Xiuyu Li, and Kellee Tsai. Authoritarian Capitalism: Economic Pathways and Social Foundations. (under contract with Cambridge University Press, Elements Series on the Politics of Development)